Jakub Pawłowicz

  1. Couple thoughts on AI - 2024-10-06

    Consider me someone with weird taste, but I love AI - the storytelling, the moral dillemas, finally the world of far future when the protagonist is awoken by an alien race. Of course I’m talking about the Spielberg’s movie, not the world wide hype of artificial intelligence. But let’s talk about the other one too....

  2. Unlinked - 2020-07-03

    I long hesitated about removing my LinkedIn profile, but it has not proved useful in past few years, so I happily let it go....

  3. Nomadic nature - 2020-05-17

    Today I realised my true nature is nomadic....

  4. Endless hacking - 2020-04-18

    I feel like writing web software is endless hacking - it’s like bunch of different technologies glued together so they may work, but sometimes they don’t for no apparent reason....

  5. It's bloody disgusting - 2020-01-27

    Disclaimer #1: My family is Polish, I was born in Poland and lived 35 out of my 38 years here, so this is my completely biased opinion about my home country....